Saturday, 2 November 2013

Vegan Day 1/2

I spent most of the day shopping and acquiring some new fruit and veg for my month challenge. I didn't have much to eat this day but I did manage to have some boiled plantain and baked beans with a slice of loaf bread. Nothing too exciting but it kept my belly happy.

Boiled Plantain, Baked beans and a slice of loaf bread

Day 2: I made some chickpea curry with some white boiled rice. This is my first time having and making chickpea, I enjoyed working with some new ingredients and also the taste of new flavours.

Ingredients : 1 Onion, Coriander, Garlic, Ginger, 1 tomato, pinch of salt
Some chilli power, 1 garlic clove, cumin powder and a pinch of garam masala 

Chickpeas curry

Chickpea curry served with some boiled white rice 

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